The Smarter Way to Improve Efficiency and Performance
Unplanned or extended unit shutdowns can be very costly for refinery operators. Over the past three decades, TubeTech™ has helped to minimise downtime and solve some of the most difficult fouling removal problems at oil and gas facilities around the world.
As part of this process, we have developed bespoke technologies that can remove fouling and unblock heat exchangers, VCFE, and other essential equipment to the highest standards.
These innovations, combined with our professional approach to service care, help our customers to achieve significant savings in maintenance time and costs, improve energy and process efficiency and help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Our services to the refining industry include fouling removal of:
- Heat Exchangers
- Air Cooled Condensers
- U-Tube Heat Exchangers
- Fired Heaters
- Radiators and Fin Fans
- Furnaces
We also provide industrial inspection services; Eddy Current and IRIS, and have partnerships with companies providing mechanical engineering, monitoring and performance, intelligent pigging, and decoking.