Air Cooled Condensers (ACC)

Innovative ACC Heat Transfer Efficiency Solutions – Worldwide Service

Performance-driven On-line ACC Fouling Removal Services

If your Air Cooled Condensers (ACC) are not operating to their optimum performance, your business is losing money. TubeTech’s innovative ACC fouling removal service is better than cleaning to increasing production rates, whilst lowering mechanical and maintenance costs and lost time in both machinery and manpower by restoring ACCs to full working order, often without taking systems offline.

TubeTech’s vast experience in ACC fouling removal includes:

TubeTech™ can:

  • Increase your Air-Cooled Condenser’s efficiency by up to 60% – a bigger improvement than ACC cleaning.
  • Perform Hexacool fouling removal using SafeJet technology, telescopic lances or other methods depending on your unique requirements.
  • Complete fouling removal jobs that nobody else can do, in less time, with higher safety standards.
  • Remove fouling from ACC units online, reducing outages and maintenance costs.

Case Studies

Read our latest case studies to find out how we use our unique fouling removal solutions and specialist knowledge to tackle some of the world’s toughest fouling challenges.

ACC (Air Cooled Condenser) Cleaned Online

TubeTech™ Improves Cleanliness Standards at Methanol Plant in Trinidad

Specialist Cleaning Knowledge Makes Short Work of Air Cooled Condenser

ACCW Fin-Fan Units Apex Cleaned Without Scaffolding

ACC Clean with Bespoke Finned Surface Cleaning Heads

Contact an ACC Maintenance Specialist Today

for a Free Technical Evaluation

TubeTech™ is here to provide advice and information about a range of fouling removal services for mission critical equipment. Contact our team for a response within 24 hours.