In situ and On-line Flare Fouling Removal

Safe, Reliable, Guaranteed Results

Tube Tech’s research and development department has developed unique systems to remove fouling from flare lines in situ and online, providing clients with the opportunity to remove fouling from flare lines at their own convenience.

Tube Tech has developed a bespoke seal to cope with temperatures and pressures inside flare lines, preventing oxygen and spark ingress and the escape of toxic gases. Fouling removal is then carried out using high-pressure jetting lances designed to be heat and scratch resistant when fed into small entry points on the flare line.

Tube Tech also uses intrinsically safe video probes for visual inspection to take digital images before and after fouling removal has taken place.

Tube Tech maintains a considerable digital video archive of information and knowledge on flare line fouling removal. This means we can demonstrate our ability to remove fouling from flare lines in situ and on-line anywhere in the world.

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Case Studies

Read our latest case studies to find out how we use our unique fouling removal solutions and specialist knowledge to tackle some of the world’s toughest fouling challenges.


On-line Flare Line Cleaning Avoids Refinery Crash

Flare Line Cleaned without Water Jetting in Turkey

Contact a Tube Tech Flare Line Fouling Removal Expert Today

for a Free Technical Evaluation

For more information about safe, online fouling removal and restoration of flare lines, contact our team today.