
We debottleneck heat transfer,
Improve performance,
Productivity & Reduce

Heat Transfer Efficiency Solutions

Discover our full range of innovative fouling removal solutions. Whichever market your business operates in, we have the expertise to restore productivity to your facility.

With more than 30 years’ experience of tackling the toughest fouling issues for oil and gas, petrochemical and refining sites around the world, our mission is to develop and deliver maximum heat transfer efficiency through best in class fouling removal for:

Fired Heater Furnace Convection Section

Our fired heater/furnace convection section fouling removal service is recognised by world-leading refining and petrochemical companies as the most effective technology to achieve OEM performance fired heaters.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%


Texas Tower (Combined Feed Exchanger)

Unblocking, fouling removal and Inspection of Texas Tower VCFE (Vertical Combined Feed Exchangers) – Tube & Shell Side

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%


Fin Fan

TubeTech’s fin fan fouling removal service offers engineered technology, operated by our experienced technicians to deliver faster fouling removal, with better results.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%



Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger

TubeTech™ offers an advanced bespoke fouling removal technique for shell side cleaning. Using remote micro technology that travels the full length of all the lanes and channels, penetrating to where the scale is and removing any blockages from deep within the tube bundles.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%


U-tube Hairpin Heat Exchangers

Using a variety of unique fouling removal systems, TubeTech™ can remove fouling and then video probe inspect hairpin shell and tube exchangers anywhere in the world.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%



To achieve a high standard of condenser fouling removal TubeTech™ is able to utilise a variety of fouling removal systems which will improve the vacuum and heat transfer rate.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%


Air Cooled Condenser (ACC)

TubeTech’s innovative ACC fouling removal service helps lower production rates, mechanical costs, maintenance costs and lost time in both machinery and manpower by restoring ACCs to full working order, often without taking systems offline.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%




TubeTech™ is the only company to simultaneously remove fouling and inspect heat exchanger tubes using IRIS or Eddy Current technology.

  • 90% fouling removed as standard
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 15%

IRIS Inspection

Eddy Current Inspection

Speak with a TubeTech™ professional

TubeTech™ is here to provide advice, information, and bespoke solutions to your specific requirements. Ask us for a free Technical Evaluation.