Shell Side Jet

A World First in Fouling Removal

Shell Side Jet sets a new global standard in fouling removal. It is the industry’s most precise fouling removal system. Able to achieve 90% fouling removal as standard, Shell Side Jet removes fouling faster, more thoroughly, safely and efficiently than traditional fouling removal methods. SSJ achieves unrivalled results with less downtime and more profit.

Technical Advantages

  • Detection system to indicate bent tubes and severely fouled areas
  • Next-generation technology
  • Detailed digital reports
  • Real-time angle correction
  • Restore to near design thermal efficiency
  • Algorithm driven automated speed
  • Unrivalled ROI
  • Reduced CO2
  • Significantly reduced asset downtime

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation – SME Instrument programme under grant agreement No. 805767


Meet Shell Side Jet

Our patented Shell Side Jet solution is the first ever guaranteed technology to remove fouling from the outside heat transfer surface of shell and tube exchangers. The result of a multi-million-dollar Horizon 2020 funding grant from the European Union, Shell Side Jet is on the frontier of pioneering fouling removal technologies.


The Shell Side Jet system can be deployed within two hours upon arrival and there is no need to use bundle rollers which are large, heavy and costly to transport. The system is controlled by two people and is smart enough to complete fouling removal on its own, removing the risk of human error.

Two-man Robotic Operation

Safe distance Remote-Fouling Removal


Shell Side Jet is the only system that penetrates between 6mm tube rows for a more precise and efficient fouling removal. This precision enables a dramatic reduction of water usage compared to traditional shell side bundle blasters (from approximately 100gpm, down to as little as 2gpm), meaning far less waste is created.

TubeTech’s innovative lance technology bends to the shape of the tube and the system detects blockages, broken tubes and incorrectly positioned baffles, so obstructions can be identified and dealt with without causing further damage.


Detailed digital reports are provided to the client. Results can be determined by weighing the bundle before and after fouling removal to ascertain the level of fouling removed. Other information provided in the report includes the distance of baffle plates, location of damaged or broken tubes, volume of fouling, photos of before, during and after the process, and an intuitive heat map.

Shell Side Jet FAQ's
What is the deployment time of Shell Side Jet?

The deployment time depends on import and export of equipment to your country. This can be as quick as 24 hours for the Shell Side Jet system to be in place, and even less time for a team of TubeTech™ technicians to be onsite.

The set-up time of the equipment once onsite is up to two hours

What is the staff requirement to use the system?

Shell Side Jet requires two staff members to operate the machine, plus one staff member to operate the pump.

How safe is Shell Side Jet?

The system is fully automated and does not require man entry. The technology features an automatic stop mechanism which will shut down the system if it detects any irregularities or foreign object intrusion.

Does the system use the same amount of water as a bundle blaster?

No. Firstly, the bundle is blasted to allow access for the Shell Side Jet equipment before the water pressure is dramatically reduced to just 7 litres per minute and fouling removal can commence. This is possible due to the proximity of the lance to the fouling and results in a dramatic reduction in waste.

Where can you deploy the system to?

We offer worldwide deployment.

How fast is the system?

Shell Side Jet is faster than a manual system and saves a shift and a half just on deployment time!

Is there similar technology available elsewhere?

No. Shell Side Jet is a patented system which has been uniquely designed and developed by TubeTech™ International Ltd.

Have you developed the system in-house?

Yes. Our research and development team have designed and developed the system over several years. This has been made possible by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation –SME Instrument programme under grant agreement No 805767. TubeTech™ International was one of the only British companies to receive this highly competitive funding grant.

For more information, visit:

Is a report included at the end of the fouling removal process?

Yes. You will receive a full job report including heat maps which show the level of fouling in different areas of the asset. Other information includes the distance of baffle plates, location of damaged or broken tubes, volume of fouling and photos of before, during and after the fouling removal process.

My exchanger is heavily fouled and warped, will Shell Side Jet work?

Yes. The system is fully adjustable on-site and has been developed to adjust to warped tubes and exchangers.

What are the dimensions of an exchanger that Shell Side Jet can access?

The smallest gap needed for access is 6.33mm between the tube rows.

The largest exchanger that Shell Side Jet can be used on to remove fouling is 1.5m in diameter.

Does Shell Side Jet require bundle rollers?

Bundle rollers are not required. The only requirement is that the exchanger is raised 500mm from the ground.

Speak with a TubeTech™ professional

If you are experiencing a drop in tube and shell exchanger performance, or require routine fouling removal, our team is available for rapid mobilisation, anywhere in the world.