TubeTech™ Water Jetting Success at UK-based Global Food Manufacturer


A global food manufacturer based in Gloucester, UK recently contacted TubeTech™ International to complete ultra high-pressure water jetting of its heavily fouled shell and tube condenser. The client required a quick turnaround as the fouling posed a risk of contamination and potential violation of food safety regulations.

The Challenge

The food manufacturing facility had a build-up of fouling on the condenser tubes of its shell and tube condenser. If left to worsen, the fouling would contaminate the product and severely impact quality and productivity. TubeTech™ were faced with the challenge of safely removing the stubborn fouling within five days to ensure that the global manufacturer would experience as little disruption to its processes as possible.

The Solution

As a long-term trusted partner, the client contacted the TubeTech™ team, and we promptly assembled a team of three ultra high-pressure water jetting specialists to solve the problem. A fully flexible system with a bespoke rotational jetting head was used to tackle the fouling. The system operates in excess of 40,000-psi to penetrate and reach the core of the fouling and remove it with ease, whilst protecting the asset materials from damage. The job was completed to the client’s specification within the allocated time. The client was impressed with the professionalism of the TubeTech™ team and the results that they were able to achieve. The fouling has now been removed and the condenser tubes have been restored to design thermal efficiency.

Our Clients Comments “As per our phone call, could you pass on my thanks to your team for the hard work and professionalism shown during the recent visit”.

TubeTech™ Comment

Our specialist equipment has been developed by our in-house R&D team over many years. We are able to remove more than 90% of fouling from assets using our patented precision technologies, ensuring enhanced asset performance, and longer run times. We have a fantastic relationship with this client and are pleased to report superb results. We expect the client to see significant short- and long-term savings, both financially and in energy consumption.