TubeTech™ Beats COVID-19 Storm to Complete IRIS Inspection at LNG Plant in Nigeria


TubeTech™ was contracted by a liquified natural gas (LNG) plant in Nigeria.

The plant required IRIS and Eddy current inspection work on various heat exchangers.

TubeTech™ was able to mobilise a team in less than two weeks, and due to coronavirus restrictions, this was a monumental challenge! To get LOIs, visa application and approval, COVID-19 testing and freight all in this short period was just short of a miracle.

The client was very pleased with the swift managerial action and proactive response during these challenging times.

And was yet again impressed with the high quality of service and work carried out.

The Challenge

TubeTech™ were contacted by a long-standing client, a liquified natural gas (LNG) plant based in Nigeria, amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. With various travel restrictions and measures in place, we were asked to complete IRIS inspection and Eddy Current testing of various heat exchangers at the plant. A previous inspection of these assets had taken place five years’ ago, and with another due, it was crucial that a team was able to be mobilised at the earliest convenience.

The Solution

TubeTech™ were able to mobilise two UK-based technicians, relevant testing equipment, and four local Nigerian personnel to site, even with strict travel restrictions in place. We were able to organise letters of intent, visa approvals, COVID-19 testing, freight into the country and through customs, all in less than two weeks.


The client was very pleased with the swift managerial action and proactive response during these challenging times. And was yet again impressed with the high quality of service and work carried out in order to ensure the safety of their heat exchanger assets.

If your facility requires an emergency response, or routine maintenance, TubeTech™ International has the expertise to plan, execute and deliver superior results. Whether you require inspection or cleaning of assets, we have the technology to restore your process performance. Contact us to increase your throughput and profit today

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