Texas Tower (VCFE Catalytic Reformer) Tube Side Clean in Germany

Tube Bore Unblocking and Cleaning
  • This was a critical path project.
  • The client was aware that traditional water jetting contractors had their limitations when it comes to removing fouling from the tubes of a UOP CCR type catalytic reformer, especially when access to the tubes was only via a 24” man-way.
  • Performance had dropped off but no-one knew whether the tubes or shell side was fouled.
    They took the choice of “let’s be ready for worst case scenario”.
  • They needed a company with technology that could remotely drill severe blockages.
  • TubeTech’s research and development reputation to solve impossible cleaning problems helped make that decision especially as they believed that an incorrect feed had inadvertently passed through the tubes.
The Challenge
  • Tube bundle replaced in 2000 and inspected every 5 years.
  • Client believed the Texas Tower was not designed for the feed that inadvertently passed through it.
  • 2749 tubes fouled with a layer of deposit.
  • Exchanger located in an area with possible explosive atmosphere.
  • Access available with 24″ man way on top of VCFE.
The Solution
  • The client invested in TubeTech™ R&D department to develop a bespoke drilling system to remotely clean the VCFE heat exchanger in-situ without man entry.
  • TubeTech™ fabricated a scale size replica of the top half at their UK head office to provide proof of concept.
  • A 3 tier cleaning system ensured all tubes were cleaned in-situ and safely in light of the potentially explosive atmosphere.
  • A substantial increase in production was achieved due to full tube bore recovery however heat exchange was limited as the shell side had not been cleaned.
TubeTech™ Comment

“On critical projects we always plan for fouling access or deposit anomalies. The clients decision was made easier by our commitment to fabricate a replica and demonstrate our ideas. We put ourselves out all the time and it really pays off.”

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